New Zines
Brief Introduction Video--Start Here!

These recent zines can be considered the first batch of Zines to the Future! They directly inspired the project, reaching for the past even as they threw themselves into the future.
The first is by The Creative Writing Club and the next four by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature Club (SFFLC). Philip K. Dick in Orange County and the Aramchek Dispatch both released in conjunction with the International PKD Conference on CSUF's campus in 2016. It's a Zine and I am Human...? released with The Frankenstein Meme Exhibit, a celebration of the 200-year anniversary of Mary Shelley's novel in 2018. Maps and Monsters, an ezine, appeared as the pandemic closed our school.
Now comes the SFFLC submission call (right) for their upcoming fifth annual club zine, Quaranzine. Send them something! You know you want to!

Philip K. Dick in Orange County. Christine Granillo and Jesse La Tour. May 1, 2015.

The Aramchek Dispatch. April, 2016

It’s A Zine! October 29, 2018

I Am Human...? (2019)

Maps and Monsters. Spring 2020.
The banner below takes you into the Zines to the Future! Archive.
Here we have a collection of highlights from the Zines to the Future! Archive. Made of paper and tape, of pixels and dreams. Essays, stories, poems, scraps, memories, manifestos...chicanafutures, queer futures, the endless apocalypse...hip hop, robot love, "spooky girls"...and more, all "imagining diverse futures," bringing needed change. Enlarge the covers, or head to the archives (link in banner above, button below), and check them out in full for yourself!